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Growing Today's Educators for the 21st Century.


All educators need to live in a cycle of continuous improvement.  Cultivate21 provides opportunities for educators to LEARN about the best teaching and learning practices for the 21st century.

Through the high-quality professional development that Cultivate21 provides, educators experience exceptional support as they GROW their skills to meet the needs of 21st century learners.

Cultivate21 encourages educators to INNOVATE education by making learning real and relevant by embedding the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) into engaging projects, activities, and life lessons.


"Cultivate21 gave our STEM team a vision and clear purpose, which did more to unify our team of teachers than anyone could have imagined. We began the professional development as a group of fragmented teachers trying to incorporate more real-world applications in too many directions, and ended the professional development feeling like a strong STEM program where the students could grow each year." 

--Dr. Tammy Gillies, Pike County Schools (GA)


"What was really important to us when we started this partnership with Cultivate21 was that we were developing the capacity of our teachers to be curriculum designers.  Cultivate21 developed the capacity for the STEM team to collaborate and become those curriculum designers and have a truly integrated STEM program.  We are not an in-name-only program, but we have a true interdisciplinary program where each teacher is a curriculum designer thanks to the time they had to work of Cultivate21." 

--Dr. Mike Duncan, Superintendent of Pike County Schools, Zebulon, GA


“This was professional development that actually changed the way I view authentic teaching and learning. The best part was that we had so many meaningful moments while doing our PBL. It really allows you to use your creativity as a teacher to plan fun, engaging, and relevant experiences for your kids. I loved the change in approach to education, and the results made me so proud for my kids! It felt so good to take part in such a memorable and meaningful way of teaching.”

--Ashley Wright, Pike County Schools (GA)


"This was the best professional development I have attended in many, many years.  Everything was pertinent to me and my teaching, and Molly didn't tell me things I already knew.  I was constantly learning!" 

--Daysha Conway, Jamestown High School (Jamestown, ND)


"Molly's experience inspired me to be a better teacher and armed me with the tools to make that happen."

--Kristin Higgins, Jamestown Middle School (Jamestown, ND)


"It was one of the best PD sessions I have been to in years.  Finally something beneficial and relevant!"

--Larry Eslick, Jamestown High School (Jamestown, ND)


"Molly is one of the most inspirational instructors that I have ever had the honor of receiving training from.  I am convinced that PBLs will provide success for all students in the 21st century."

--Deb Hanson, Jamestown Middle School (Jamestown, ND)



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