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Why Cultivate21?

Cultivate21 is committed to helping educators learn, grow, and innovate education for the future.  Education can be likened to a seedling.  The earth and soil must be disrupted and prepared, and then a seed is planted.  It is watered, warmed by the sun, and sprouts to begin its growth. The tiny plant continues to need care and attention to help it mature.  It is cultivated.  As it becomes stronger, it can withstand the elements, but appreciates care along the way. 

Educators, too, need disruption and cultivation to live in continuous improvement.  New seeds of inspiration and learning need to be planted in order for professional growth to take hold.  As growth continues and is nurtured, so grows the confidence of an educator to take risks and veer from the status-quo, while innovating for the future. 


It is only through this innovation in 21st century education that today’s students will be ready for the future that is theirs.  An educator who does not adapt to the changing student risks the loss of the opportunity to cultivate the knowledge and skills needed for 21st century success.  The changing landscape of education requires this type of innovation. 


Cultivate21 provides high-quality professional development in STEM/STEAM best practices, standards-based Project-Based Learning (PBL), implementation of the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) as critical 21st century skills for college/career/life/choice readiness, 21st century literacy, as well as coaching and facilitation services.  Cultivate21 also offers EdCorporate experiences which consciously connect business/industry with education through structured interactions such as business/industry “adventures” or providing corporate training on 21st century skill development.


Cultivate21 believes that the best professional development is job-embedded, ongoing, and can be applied directly to everyday classroom practices.  We believe that in order for professional learning to have an impact, teachers need to have the opportunity to build quality foundational knowledge on best practice, be afforded the opportunity to experience the learning as a learner, be expected to create and go back to the classroom to try new learning/ideas with students, take time to reflect on implementation, have the opportunity to reconnect with peers and the trainer for coaching, and then have the opportunity to do it all over again during the next cycle of training.  This sustained support is what sets Cultivate21 apart from other educational consulting companies.

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