"Cultivate21 gave our STEM team a vision and clear purpose, which did more to unify our team of teachers than anyone could have imagined. We began the professional development as a group of fragmented teachers trying to incorporate more real-world applications in too many directions, and ended the professional development feeling like a strong STEM program where the students could grow each year."
--Dr. Tammy Gillies, Pike County Schools (GA)
"What was really important to us when we started this partnership with Cultivate21 was that we were developing the capacity of our teachers to be curriculum designers. Cultivate21 developed the capacity for the STEM team to collaborate and become those curriculum designers and have a truly integrated STEM program. We are not an in-name-only program, but we have a true interdisciplinary program where each teacher is a curriculum designer thanks to the time they had to work of Cultivate21."
--Dr. Mike Duncan, Former Superintendent of Pike County Schools, Zebulon, GA; Current CEO of Battelle for Kids
“This was professional development that actually changed the way I view authentic teaching and learning. The best part was that we had so many meaningful moments while doing our PBL. It really allows you to use your creativity as a teacher to plan fun, engaging, and relevant experiences for your kids. I loved the change in approach to education, and the results made me so proud for my kids! It felt so good to take part in such a memorable and meaningful way of teaching.”
--Ashley Wright, Pike County Schools (GA)
"Molly has the personal commitment, motivation, and interest to improve the education of school age children, pre-service teachers, and practitioners needing the assistance and/or guidance to stay abreast of the changing spectrum in our world of education. She is a true instructional leader with demonstrated personal attributes and qualities that qualify her as an educational leader and consultant. Not only does Molly have the knowledge and understanding of curriculum, standards, assessment, and research based instructional practices, but she has the competencies that make her an enlightened leader."
--Dr. Louise Dardis, Retired Asst. Superintendent of West Fargo Public Schools and former Program Manager for ND Succeed 2020
"This was the best professional development I have attended in many, many years. Everything was pertinent to me and my teaching, and Molly didn't tell me things I already knew. I was constantly learning!"
--Daysha Conway, Jamestown High School (Jamestown, ND)
"Molly's experience inspired me to be a better teacher and armed me with the tools to make that happen."
--Kristin Higgins, Jamestown Middle School (Jamestown, ND)
"It was one of the best PD sessions I have been to in years. Finally something beneficial and relevant!"
--Larry Eslick, Jamestown High School (Jamestown, ND)
"Molly is one of the most inspirational instructors that I have ever had the honor of receiving training from. I am convinced that PBLs will provide success for all students in the 21st century."
--Deb Hanson, Jamestown Middle School (Jamestown, ND)
"Excellent hands-on learning from beginning to end. Modeling in action that truly makes sense and works."
--Susanna Walker, Jamestown Alternative School (Jamestown, ND)
"Probably one of the most useful professional development sessions that I have attended. Molly always had positive advice and would help with any roadblock I ran into. She had great ideas that I will be able to implement into any PBL that I do for many years to come."
--Erin Auth, St. John High School (St. John, ND)
"Molly is a motivated individual, and has a desire to support teachers in creating effective learning environments for students. Her passion and prior experience in K-12 curriculum and instruction has prepared her for successes in these leadership roles. In her involvement with our programs (STEM Bootcamp and Educational Engineering Institute), she devotes much time in working with and sharing her expertise with participants in respect to educational standards and 21st century learning. She models engaging, research-based teaching strategies and lesson design, and fully understands assessment and program evaluation. Molly's preparation, organization, and presentation skills place her among the top professionals in STEM Education."
--Dr. Sarah Sletten, Former STEM Education Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Biology at Mayville State University
"Molly has a skill set that can move our region forward regarding 21st Century Learning, Project Based Learning and STEM education. Molly Bestge embodies everything an educational consultant is about and demonstrates an excellence in teaching and has inspired a spirit of inquiry and a love of learning in her students and the secondary staff of the West Fargo Public School District. Molly is exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and is a highly skilled educator. Her lessons when she was in the classroom and now as a leader of adult learners are engaging, meaningful, challenging, and interesting. Molly is able to build the capacity of all teachers she works with through her leadership. She has an uncanny ability to integrate innovative technologies to engage students and now teachers to increase their collaboration/communication skills and foster critical thinking. Molly recognizes that today’s learners are digital natives and her use of technology in the classroom has been the exemplar by which she has provided professional development to our educators. Molly has been able to mentor and coach educators in instructional design methodologies and curriculum writing and development through individual, small group and whole department venues. Our new educators have no idea how blessed they are to have had her guiding their first years of being an educator. I believe their impact as influential educators has been amplified because of Molly’s guidance."
--Mrs. Michelle Weber, Retired Principal of Liberty Middle School (West Fargo, ND)
"Molly Bestge is the future of learning. The professional learning experiences that she brings to teachers makes the classrooms of those teachers a place to grow for both students and teachers! Molly inspires and motivates teachers to become the motivators that are needed in today’s classrooms making the benefits of her problem-based learning far reaching. Any time spent with Molly in professional learning is time above and beyond well spent! It is so fitting that the word BEST is in her last name; it appears to also be in her teaching DNA!
--Donalee Strand; Former Adjunct Instructor STEM/Mayville Area Teacher Center Coordinator for Mayville State University (Mayville, ND)
"Molly has wonderful methods for engagement you can use in your classroom the very next day."
-- Eric Sayler, Middle Level Teacher at Circle of Nations School (Wahpeton, ND)
"The process Cultivate21 uses in training educators makes a direct and immediate impact in the classroom."
-Dennis Wutzke, Fergus Falls High School (Fergus Falls, MN)
"This has been one of the most productive workshops I have ever attended. Even before it was finished, I was incorporating what we learned into my classroom."
-Laurie Roder, Fergus Falls High School (Fergus Falls, MN)
"Participating in Cultivate21's STEAM Team program has brought me closer to an industry that I had little knowledge about. Through the guiding principles and concepts that Cultivate21provides in training, this experience went from 'uh oh' to 'oh yeah!'"
-Nick Heck, Rothsay Public School (Rothsay, MN)
"She gives the what, the why, and the how. Such a well-rounded experience!"
-Kelli Clark, Cheney Middle School (West Fargo, ND)
"Molly provides applicable classroom solutions and tips to help educators ensure they're implementing the 4Cs in a practical and applicable way."
-Missy Kremer, Horace Middle School (West Fargo, ND)
"I truly appreciate your experience. It glows through you; you are amazing."
-Jack Raaen, Carl Ben Eielson Middle School (Fargo, ND)
"You model effective teaching strategies with clearly explaining the information as well as providing engaging activities. Start to finish, this was exceptional!"
-Beth Ekre, Carl Ben Eielson Middle School (Fargo, ND)