Connecting Industry and Education
EdCorporate was created to consciously connect business/industry with education in meaningful ways. Educators need opportunities to see the "real-world" in order to embed the "real-world" into their classrooms.
Educators need to see the “end game”—what employability really means—and see that education has to evolve and change, leaving the “status quo” behind. Students need to see a real-world connection in what they do in school to create relevance for their learning. Teachers can’t create those experiences unless they get out of their classroom silos to see what is really happening in the real-world. Taking teachers to the “outside” is just a first step to bringing the “outside” in for our students. This is different thinking, and for some, it’s a difficult shift, but it’s a critical shift for the goal of “disrupting” education. Our students deserve 21st century engagement and they deserve teachers who are equipped to provide that engagement through their insights, methods, and relevant projects.
We believe that all students should be college/career/life ready and possess essential 21st century skills in order to be successful. Providing the platform for making the connections in the classroom is why EdCorporate was created. Business/Industry also seeks training on 21st century skill development, and Cultivate21 can provide that as well.
EdCorporate Experiences
Strategies for Making College/Career/Life Readiness Relevant and Real for Teachers and Students
EdCorporate Professional Learning Events
Business/Industry “Adventures” with Follow-Up
Corporate Training on 4Cs Skill Development in Business/Industry